Corn is a large grain plant domesticated by indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica in prehistoric times. The leafy stalk produces ears which contain the grain, which are seeds called kernels. Corn kernels are often used in cooking as a starch.
The first corn plants only grew small, one-inch long corn, and only one per plant, but artificial selection by the indigenous people of the Americas made it to grow several cobs per plant, and usually several inches long each time.
Early hybrid suitable for subsequent dual or harvest; Medium height; Increased number of sheets in erektum type; High tolerance to drought conditions in the vegetation; Easy running water from the grains; The fruit is short, compact shaped tube; 16-18 rows of grain quality; High quality value of the grain.
Fast and uniform initial growth; Very early sprouting; Trees with low growth, solid and excellent resistance to lodging; The fruit is cylindrical in shape, tightly connected to the stem; 16-18 rows of grain quality; The main purpose of producing dry beans;
Expressed energy grains (high quality and energy growing); Rugged and highly resistant to stem housing; The fruit is large, cylindrical and closed top; 16-18 rows of grain quality; Very high tolerance of the most frequent diseases and pests; The main feature is the rapid release of moisture during ripening.
Average high tree with centrally located large fruit; Greater tolerance of drought; The fruit is large and cylindrical; 16-18 rows of grain quality; Grains are high quality and easy fruit characterizes harvest;
Average high tree with many leaves, expressed strength; The deep and strong roots result in resistance to lodging; Very high tolerance to drought; Excellent adaptation to different climate and soil conditions of production; The fruit is large and cylindrical; 16-18 rows of grain quality; Characteristic of the fruit is slowly releasing moisture during ripening.
Very high tree, quite firmly and very sheets; The fruit is very large, elongated and cylindrical; 18-20 rows of grain quality; Possess enhanced tolerance to pests (corn beetle and corn moth); High quality grains.
Tree with high growth, increased strength and quite spread roots; There are a number of large green leaves; The fruit is medium large and cylindrical; 16-18 rows of grain quality; High tolernance of pests and diseases; Excellent adaptation to different conditions; Quick release moisture during ripening.