Peppers originated in South America. The Spaniards brought to Europe in the 15th century, where it spread all the way to Turkey, and now mostly grown in Hungary. The fruits of pepper are different in shape, color, and by smell and taste. Pepper are used for salads and dishes, but also for various drinks. It improves appetite, and it stimulates the stomach operation.
Charleston type of pepper proven market; Attractive fruit with light green color; High yield hybrid; Great for growing in early spring (cool to warm); Ideal for greenhouses and glasshouses.
Hybrid for over a year; Attractive fruit with golden yellow; Ideal shape and size and appealing for the most demanding customers; Extra productive; Excellent transport.
High productive gate type hybrid; Fruit with bright red color, length 16 to 20 cm and a diameter of 5 to 6 cm; A high percentage of dry matter ideal for the manufacturing industry.